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Here comes the fall!

>> Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy first day of Autumn! On my way home from my parent's farm this weekend, it was actually pretty great to see that the leaves were starting to change. While I am not a huge fan of winter (I'm definitely a hot weather kinda gal), I do quite enjoy the fall and all the gorgeous colours it brings. I'm hoping to take a drive up to Muskoka in the next few weeks to see the colours in all their glory and take a bunch of pictures. I meant to last year but never quite got around to it so this year it is back on my "to-do" list.

This weekend was a lot of fun - we had a surprise party for my dad's 60th birthday and it was a huge success. He had no idea and lot's of people came out to spend the day on the farm and enjoy lot's of food, company, great music, and fabulous weather! My mom had been planning this surprise for the last several months, so kudos to her for pulling it off without a hitch!

Next up on the agenda is Thanksgiving weekend, and our plans for that weekend seem to change every day. I may end up going away for that weekend for a short get-away with the hubby. The African Children's Choir is singing at the church that Sunday morning though and we really want to see them, so we'll have to see if we can fit that in there as well. (If you've never heard of them, check them out on youtube or on their website - they're amazing).

Speaking of Africa - only about 5 months left to Uganda! Now that fall is here it seems even closer. Can't wait until I'm boarding that plane!


Unknown September 25, 2008 at 3:22 PM  

I loooove fall. It's my absolute favourite season. Fall sweaters, the crisp weather, comfort foods, fires, the leaves...everything!

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