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Well-deserved time off

>> Thursday, June 30, 2011

Well I survived my 8-day stretch of work days, and right now I'm on #2 of 3 days off in a row. I've totally been a lazy slob for the last day and a half too - but I don't feel guilty about it at all - I deserve it, right?

I was thinking that today was going to be a productive day, and I'd at least get caught up on some cleaning and laundry . . . well, that remains to be seen, as it's already halfway through the day and all I've managed to do so far is play on my iPad - download some apps, browse through my new flipboard (so awesome - best iPad app ever!), and figure out how to link my little 'ole blog here to my twitter feed and Facebook wall. Yup - aren't you impressed? I'm turning into such a little social media butterfly, aren't I? Have to admit that my temporary disappointment in the iPad was probably strictly due to my lack of knowledge on how to use it to it's full potential!

Anyhoo - what else has been goin' on the last little while? Hmmm - we officially booked our summer vacay, and I'm super stoked about that. We'll be spending a week and a bit on the coast of Maine (we booked a cute little cottage on an island - on a cliff overlooking the ocean). So excited about waking up and falling asleep to the sound of waves crashing along the shoreline! I'm counting down the days! I've also been working more on some music, and a new writing project I just started (it's a screenplay!). Writing a screenplay has been on my bucket list for about 15 years now, and my best screenplay idea yet came to me in a flash about 3 weeks ago while I was having dinner with Chris. He thinks it's a pretty awesome idea too, so that's something else I've started (which I will definitely finish, even though I know it's probably gonna' take awhile!). Finally, I've been trying to motivate myself to start exercising regularly - this is the hardest part! For someone who used to be really physically active, it's actually been really surprising to me how hard it is to stay motivated. You'd think it being bikini season and all that I'd be working out at least every other day, but I find it soooo hard to actually get my butt in gear and do it! Frustrating! So if anyone reading this has any tips for me on how to stay motivated and amped up to work out regularly - let me know 'cause I could definitely use some help in this area!

Okay, enough rambling from me for now. Now gotta post this and see if my attempts earlier to link everything to, well, everything else on my home on the 'net has worked. 'Till later!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Another Week, Another Cover!

>> Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Here's the 2nd cover up on my new youtube page. It's a song I love, love, love (can 'ya tell I like it a wee bit?) by Natalie Grant, called "Safe".

New Youtube channel

>> Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hi all!

So I've got my first cover song up on the new youtube channel (www.youtube.com/suzannejudgemusic).

It's a cover I did last week of Hillsong's "His Glory Appears". Love, love, love the lyrics and the simple melody - hope it touches your heart like it did mine!

I should have some more stuff posted on there soon - I'm trying to keep my promise of updating and uploading content more frequently - so far so good!!


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