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It's been a loooong time . . . again!

>> Monday, May 30, 2011

Haha - so turns out I'm not doing so great at keepin' this blog updated, am I?


I think my excuse will be simply that I must be aging, therefore time is going by much faster than it ever has and I just don't have the time to blog?!

In all seriousness, I really can't even begin to wrap my brain around the fact that in a few days it'll be June - where in the world did the time go? I'm actually quite glad that we're getting into summer though - I'm definitely ready for some sun, and fun, and beach, and just lot's of great warm-weather adventures!

Life has been busy these last few months - always feel like there's lots going on and not enough time in the day to get everything and everyone in there! Work's been getting busier for me, as I've continued to grow into my role there and take on more projects and responsibilities - still feel like it's a good fit for me there, so that's been nice.

Hubby's been keepin' busy with church and youth group stuff - I've started singing at some of the morning services at church which has been both really great and really inspiring as I've continued to delve into the world of worship music and God-focused songwriting. It's definitely allowed me to focus in more on what kind of music I really should be writing and feel called to write. Hopefully I'll finally (finally!!!!) have some stuff to share soon! I've actually started a new youtube channel for myself (youtube.com/suzannejudgemusic). Nothing on there yet, but I'll be uploading content soon (I promise!) I wanted a new channel to post covers and originals which more reflect we're I'm going right now music and genre-wise, so check it out in a little bit if you feel so inclined!

Both Chris and myself have had "Adventure" and "Travel" and "Africa" on the mind lately - probably doesn't help that I've been rewatching Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman's "Long Way Down" tv series on DVD and pouring over all my pictures and videos. We're hoping to get back to Uganda next March, as Ryan from GIVE International has asked us to lead a high school group there over their March Break. They're waiting on approval from their school board, so we should find out by June 10th if the trip is a go - keep your fingers crossed for us!! We actually got a call in the middle of the night last night from a friend in Uganda, which was kind of funny (considering we'd both spent all night saying how much we missed it and wanted to go back soon). I also have a huge desire to travel to some other African countries soon, so we'll see how everything comes into play.

I've already begun counting down the days until our summer vacation/trip. We'll be spending some time down at the "farm" with the entire Brimley clan for a bit, and then Chris and I are heading to the Adirondacks for a week-long mountainous adventure! There will definitely be some hiking, swimming, kayaking and (hopefully) relaxing in there, so I'm excited about that and to get away to somewhere I've never been before and get back to "nature" as it were. I'm determined to take full advantage of the summer and nice weather this season, and not let it pass me by!

Alright, well that's it for this post - I'm off for the rest of the day and have a song I'm trying to finish, so bye for now! (And I'll definitely try to keep this sucker more up-to-date from now on!)

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