2014 Suzanne Judge. Powered by Blogger.

It's been a looong time . . .

>> Monday, April 4, 2011

Can't believe my last post was on February 1st and it's now April! I don't even know where to begin to fill everyone in on what's been happening in my life since then, so to make it easy I'll do it the lazy way and do some really generalized "bullet-point" notes! Here goes:

- Spent the first half of February getting settled in at the new house and work

- Spent the last half of February feeling the worst I've ever felt in my life, with a couple of days and nights in and out of the hospital (it was kidney stones - woo hoo!)

- March was the start of our new church life, which has been super awesome and inspiring and encouraging

- end of March was my birthday!

- this last weekend was spent in Niagara Falls on a mini-retreat with the student leaders from our church youth group

So there's your quick recap of my life for the past two months! I've been meaning to get on here to post again for a few weeks now, but I'm still trying to get into the swing of things here and figuring out how to balance work, home life, church and music.

Speaking of music - I've been feeling super inspired and re-energized lately with my music projects and have been looking ahead at what my short and long-term goals are with my music over the next months and years. I've recently begun to branch out and have started dipping my toes into the world of worship music, which has been a huge source of inspiration for me lately - so I'm excited about that and ready to see where God will lead me and how I've meant to use my talents in that area. I'm also working on a really special song for a cause that's been on my mind a lot lately, so hopefully I'll have that ready to share in a week or so!

Anyhoo - I'm going to be posting regularly again, so pop by every once in awhile and I promise I'll try and keep you entertained!

:) Suz

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