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Changes, changes . . .

>> Saturday, January 8, 2011

In my last post I mentioned that there were some changes coming up for me shortly . . .

In the ever-changing tradition of the Judges, we are moving again!

We are moving back to the Mississauga area, and I am transferring to another store in that area! It was time for a change, and we're excited about new beginnings and about being back in an area that always felt like home to us.

The big move is coming up very shortly, and I've been frantically trying to pack up the house and tie up all my loose ends at work. The timing with the new store worked out perfectly, and I start there right after we move, so I don't have to make the commute from Mississauga to North York at all, which I'm really thankful for.

I'm excited about being back in a community I know and love, and I'm also really excited about being closer to family and some old friends of mine.

So New Year means new home and new store for me! I think this year is going to be a great one, full of other changes, possibilites and dreams coming true!!

Happy New Year!

>> Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011

Wow - seems so strange to write that!

It feels like only a few months ago when I was writing my New Year's post for 2010, it's crazy to realize that it's actually been 12 whole months - it went by in such a blur!

So many things happened in my life in 2010, there were lot's of good times, but also some hard, pretty bad times. I made it through though, and am grateful for everything and all the leasons learned.

Significant things/moments of 2010:

- I travelled to Africa again and got to spend time doing work in both Uganda and Kenya and connect with people I really care about

- I got to go to The Bahamas with Chris for some much needed rest and relaxation

- I turned 30

- my father-in-law Stanley passed away after an extended stay in the hospital

- my sister got pregnant

- I learned (finally) how to play guitar

- I ran my first 10k race

There were a lot of other important moments throughout the year, and a lot of smaller "normal", "run of the mill" moments that filled me with happiness and gratefullness and were often the ones I remember most fondly.

Looking forward to the next year, I hope that it's full of both small and big moments, and that I'm wise enough to recognize them while they're happening. I know that there are some big changes coming up very soon (which I'll be posting about in the next few days), and I'm really excited about what the next 12 months will bring.

Here's to 2010, and here's to the journey that awaits us all in 2011!!

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