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Only Hope

>> Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I was so inspired by some of the people at youth group tonight. Two leaders shared their stories and both really resonated with me and I'm so grateful that they spoke tonight. Then just hearing about some of the struggles that people are going through in small groups tonight made me reflect on the past couple of weeks and what I've been going through in my own life. It made me remember that I have to lean on God not just in times of struggle but at all times, and that he's always there to catch me whenever I fall. One of my favorite songs of all time is "Only Hope" so I immediately came and decided to record it and post it on here with the lyrics. I find them really powerful, so here you go:

There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.

So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.

Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.

I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.

Sooo good . . .

>> Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just saw the trailer for this online - I can already tell this movie is going to be great!


>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Can't wait for this movie to come out (November 26th)! Oprah had Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman on her show yesterday and I was very excited about that as I didn't realize the movie was coming out so soon! Here's the trailer:

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