Off to the Chateau!!
>> Friday, August 8, 2008

The big stuff, the little stuff, & all the stuff in between . . .
That's right folks, I am now officially on vacation for the next 11 days! I'm takin' it easy at home tonight as I was up at 4:45 this morning for work - there's a pizza cooking in the oven and a couch and a couple of movies that are screaming my name. :) Tomorrow morning I plan on having a nice sleep-in, followed by a jog and a swim in the pool - then I plan on spending the rest of the day doing whatever I feel like doing! (ahhh, the joys of being on vacation). That only lasts for one day though, as Saturday I have to go get my hair done (and anyone who knows me knows I hate that more than going to the dentist) and run around doing errands as Chris and I will be heading out to the Laurentian Mountains in Quebec (Mount Tremblant to be exact) for our 2-year anniversary, followed by several days at my parents farm with the entire Brimley clan.
I'm super excited to get away for awhile as I am in desperate need of some relaxing and recharging - with being sick for so long, moving again, and all my work changes, the past several months have been kind of difficult and nerve-racking so it'll be good to get away from it all. I've been trying not to let things get to me so much (as I'm a prime example that it's not good for your health) but sometimes it's just too easy to get wrapped up in the little things. I really need to get to 100% again as I'm starting at a new store after our vacation and I know that September means that the Holiday season (aka - crazy/insane season) is right around the corner, and in retail that means busy, busy, busy until January. It also means that our Africa missions trip is right around the corner (we're going to Uganda for two weeks in March with 4 other adult leaders and 12 kids from the senior high youth group). March might seem like a long ways away, but when you're organizing a trip to Africa that involves lots of people, and most of them teenagers - 7 months really isn't that long. I know it's going to be great and life-changing for all of us though, and it's cool to have something that big to look forward to.
On a completely unrelated note - I reactivated my Facebook account today. It's been over a year since I've been on it, and it's kind of like rejoining a conversation that's already been going on for a long time. I mainly rejoined as I wanted to see updates and pics from my friends, and I do realize now that it probably is a really good way to stay in touch with people nowadays. We'll see how it goes and hopefully I don't become a facebook addict!
Well little Ainsley Grace Innis has finally arrived! My good friends Susan and Lance welcomed their first child into the world a couple of days ago! I talked to Susan today and she sounds great, and both her and the little one are doing just fine. Susan is my first really close friend to have a child, and it is so amazing that her and Lance have created such a miracle. I know they're going to be amazing parents and little Ainsley is one lucky girl! I'm so proud of them and excited for them as they start this new journey together!
Welcome to the world Ainsley - you're only a couple of days old but you already have a ton of people who love you and care for you and are thrilled to be friends with your parents and watch you grow up!
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