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>> Thursday, June 26, 2008

Here's some random thoughts of mine for today:

* Sometimes I think I talk too much. Someone will ask me how my day was (just out of politeness) and suddenly I find myself telling them every single detail about my day. Even while I'm talking I'm thinking to myself "too much information Suzanne - they don't need to know about the bee that chased you down the street while you were walking the dog or the fact that you forgot to mail a birthday card" yet I just can't make myself shut-up. I definitely suffer from verbal diarrhea way too often.

* I love rain in the summer (especially a sun shower) - I took a break from packing this afternoon and just sat on my bed with the sun streaming in listening and smelling the rain. Perfect moment.

* My new favourite magazine is "Self". Used to be the Oprah magazine but I find it's too repetitive and sometimes a little too introspective. Self seems much more accessible to me right now.

* I love being tan. I've gotten smart though and no longer tan the "real" (ie. dangerous) way. I just started using the new Jergens daily glow stuff that has SPF in it. I've only used it for one day now and already a look a little more "glowy".

* CFRB 1010 rocks my world. I could listen to that radio station all day and not get bored. (My favs are Bill Carroll, the Motts, and John Moore). Sometimes I go out for lunch just so I can listen to the Motts for 30 minutes while I eat!

* I have made a pledge to myself that the only fast food I will eat from now on is Mr.Sub or Subway (or anything else that is a healthier alternative). No more greasy fries or burgers for me!

* I'm much more productive in the early morning than in the afternoon. I can usually get more done between the hours of 5am to 9am than any other time of the day.

* I can sometimes be the queen of procrastinating. Here I am blogging while I should be packing. Maybe I'll watch one of my "guilty pleasure" DVD's while I pack my books (namely my Newlyweds DVDs or my Alias collection.) I know Nick and Jessica are no longer together and Alias isn't on TV anymore, but anyone whose watched these shows has to admit they are kind of addicting (and the kind of thing you can watch over and over again).

Okay, I'm signing off for today - I probably won't have a chance to update again until next week when we've completed the move and our internet is back up and running, so Happy Canada Day everyone!

Moving . . . again

>> Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I am about to move again. This wouldn't seem like such a big deal, except it'll be my sixth house in less than three years. Oy vey. We're moving to the house on the church property, and I am pretty excited as it's a great house (big, yet cosy, a salt-water pool, lot's of beautiful property, and a great wood-panelled room that's going to be my office/music room). I just hate the actual process of moving. We've had access to the house for the past couple of days so we've been slowly moving some stuff in already, cleaning, and repainting some rooms. I still have yet to pack up all my books (and believe me - this is a huge task - I am a bookstore manager after all) and then we're renting a truck and doing the big move this weekend. Say it with me folks - Oy vey.

Hopefully we're in this house for quite awhile as I honestly don't think I'll be up for another move for at least several years. It's also a great house to have lots of little kids running around in! (No, I'm not pregnant yet - there will be no babies until after next spring's Africa trip) I'm also excited at the prospect of becoming more active at the church and building some relationships with the members of the youth group. It's been difficult to get involved as our current house is just too far away and we couldn't afford the gas money to have both of us driving to and from the church every week. Also, half the time I'm too exhausted after work to do much of anything, let alone have the energy to interact with the youth and be my best self. Now I'll be much closer (right across the parking lot)! and attending youth group won't involve a tiring 2-hour round-trip! The amount of money we're going to save from Chris' monthly gas bill is going to be amazing!

My health has been up and down for the past month. I really thought I was getting better, but I still experience the chest pain a couple of times a day. Our real estate agent has a friend who has something called "Prinzmetal Angina" and it actually sounds exactly like what I have. Once we get settled in at the new house, I'm going to follow up with my doctor as having chest pain every day kinda sucks.

I have started exercising (running and yoga). I have muscles hurting that I never even knew existed! My running is actually pretty sad as I could barely make it to the end of my street. I modified my plan a little and now run for one song, speed-walk for one song, etc). At the end of a half-hour I'm pooped but I'd forgotten how good it feels to have a good sweat!

Alright, I'm off to start packing my books. I've been procrastinating for awhile as it was such a beautiful day today. I have to admit the "breaks" I've taken from packing today have been pretty long (it is summer now and you have to enjoy it while it's here)!

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